Why this site exists
In today's world, it often feels the news media is shouting at us. No matter what political leanings your news may have, it is usually hard to absorb. These websites use flashy headlines and aggressive language to feed you an opinion they want you to believe. They leave us feeling angry and scared rather than truly informed. Here at The Healthy News, we believe in taking a different approach. All of our articles follow a straightforward guideline. We will never ask our readers for anything, nor will we ever tell our readers what to think. We will present every side of an argument in a simple fact-based format. It is up to the reader to decide what they believe, not us. We hope to establish a new era of the news based on sound reasoning and high quality stories, not emotion and fear.
How the news is gathered
Our team of journalists spend a few hours each week collecting news from papers around the world or interviewing live sources for original content. Each week we select a handful of stories that we feel will be relevant for people (Americans in particular) to know and then write about them in a calm, non-confrontational way. Because we want to only share what is necessary for people to know we only run 10-20 stories per week. This way, we are forced to focus on the most important, worthwhile stories that will serve the reader for more than 24 hours. It also gives the reader a chance to spend time with the story and understand the situation a little deeper, so they can gain a more informed view of the world. Lastly, it makes us omit all the unnecessary stories that people shouldn't have to care about. Our goal is to present our stories in a digestible and useful way so you can read them, learn about what's going on in the world and then go about your life in peace.