What makes this political news any different?
Political news is one of the most popular topics for news sites and cultural commentators. It’s an endless source of drama and conflict that keeps people engaged. No matter what happens in politics, there is always a way to make people deeply upset by it. There are people in the media whose job it is to freak out over the news while giving it to us. In my opinion, this is a very unhealthy way to absorb politics and we badly need an alternative. That is what our Political News section is meant to be.
In the interest of opposing this way of telling the news, the stories here are event based. We will never write an opinion piece and we try to write with as little emotion as possible so people can think about these important things calmly. Presenting and reading the news in an angry way harms everyone even if the news is outrageous, so we try to write about it calmly. We will also never tell you what to think about a particular political story. We only want to explain what happened. When covering controversial topics, our goal is to write about in such a way that people from either side of an issue could read our story without dismissing it as biased. This way, people have more room to make up their own minds and hating each other over politics becomes a little harder.
We also want to change by how political news is covered by only writing about what's necessary. The beliefs of certain groups, shifts in power, international conflicts and changes in the political system. We don’t believe feuds between politicians or long passionate speeches are news. We assume politicians are always fighting and making promises anyway, and covering the latest fight or promise doesn't serve anyone. We shouldn’t have to care about what they are saying every minute of every day. Rather, we should know how their actions affect our lives and then not have to think about them for the rest of the day. Therefore, these stories are meant to keep you up to date with how politics affects our lives and are free from all the meaningless conflict that divides people up and stresses us out. We hope that after reading the stories here, our readers feel a little more informed and a little less angry about all things politics.